Now a day's 'Selfie' trend is developing in youths which has changed in 'Killfie'. Generally youth are interested in uploading their adventurous and crazy Selfie which are now a day's going dangerous.
Carnegie Mellon university, PittsburgIndraprastha institute of information technology, New DelhiMaximum).Research 'Me , Myself and my Killfie- characterization and preventing selfie death' made by shows that between March 2014 to September 2016 ( 29 Months), 127 people died while taking their selfie in which 76 are from India ( and
Research shows that mostly youth wants to take their selfie on skyscrapers, mountains and many more such dangerous places, and their greed for selfie leads to their death. Mostly often people in love of water ( Near River, Dam, etc) while taking their selfie gone to different world and their selfie become killfie.
Girls are more interested in taking selfies than boys. Mostly selfie lover are 24 Year or below in their age and research also shows that people died belong to this age group.
So, firstly check whether you want to click Selfie or killfie.............. its your choice.